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24.90 CHF
Item number: 8426
iPhone Display Opening Tool helps to open the iPhone when the display, battery or anything else needs to be replaced
We ship to Liechtenstein, Switzerland

Per package for CHF 9.00

iPhone screen opening tool

When repairing smartphones, you often come across an annoying problem: the display is glued to the housing or there is no point of attack for normal opening tools. In this case, a suction lifter is often recommended. However, this carries the risk of damaging the display cables or internal components through too much force.

Open smartphones effortlessly

This is where the iSclack comes into play, because with this handy special tool you can easily separate the display and housing. It was originally designed for the iPhone 5, but is also suitable for all newer models such as the iPhone 6, iPhone 7, iPhone SE or devices from other manufacturers such as the Samsung S7.

Super strong: This is how the iSclack works

Handling the iSclack is child's play. After loosening any screws, position the tool's suction cups on the front and back of your phone. Then you squeeze the handle of the iSclack - done.

The resulting leverage effect allows the display and housing to detach from each other with ease. The evenly distributed forces ensure that you do not damage any components. The smartphone is open and ready for repair.

The all-opener

Of course, you don't only crack smartphones with the iSclack. He is also your reliable partner when it comes to repairing tablets or notebooks. So don't let a glued or clipped display stop you, because making it yourself is always better than buying a new one.

Your advantages at a glance

  • Special tool for opening glued and clipped displays
  • Suitable for all smartphones, tablets and notebooks
  • Protects your wallet and the environment

Note: You must have the appropriate know-how to use this.
Any liability for incorrect manipulations is rejected.

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